Secret – 1
Secret Service D-Bus client library
GLib—2.0 | The base type system library |
Browse documentation | |
GObject—2.0 | The base type system library |
Browse documentation |
Collection |
A proxy object representing a collection of secrets in the Secret Service. |
Item |
A secret item. |
Prompt |
A prompt in the Service. |
Service |
A proxy object representing the Secret Service. |
Backend |
since: 0.19.0 |
Retrievable |
A read-only view of a secret item in the Secret Service. since: 0.19.0 |
Schema |
Represents a set of attributes that are stored with an item. |
SchemaAttribute |
An attribute in a |
Value |
A value containing a secret. |
BackendFlags |
Flags which determine which parts of the since: 0.19.0 |
Error |
Errors returned by the Secret Service. |
SchemaAttributeType |
The type of an attribute in a |
SchemaType |
Different types of schemas for storing secrets, intended for use with
since: 0.18.6 |
CollectionCreateFlags |
Flags for |
CollectionFlags |
Flags which determine which parts of the |
ItemCreateFlags |
Flags for |
ItemFlags |
Flags which determine which parts of the |
SchemaFlags |
Flags for a |
SearchFlags |
Various flags to be used with |
ServiceFlags |
Flags which determine which parts of the |
attributes_build |
Build up a hash table of attribute values. |
attributes_buildv |
Build up a hash table of attribute values. |
attributes_validate |
Check if attributes are valid according to the provided schema. |
get_schema |
Get a secret storage schema of the given since: 0.18.6 |
password_clear |
Clear unlocked matching passwords from the secret service. |
password_clear_finish |
Finish an asynchronous operation to remove passwords from the secret service. |
password_clear_sync |
Remove unlocked matching passwords from the secret service. |
password_clearv |
Remove unlocked matching passwords from the secret service. |
password_clearv_sync |
Remove unlocked matching passwords from the secret service. |
password_free |
Clear the memory used by a password, and then free it. |
password_lookup |
Lookup a password in the secret service. |
password_lookup_binary_finish |
Finish an asynchronous operation to lookup a password in the secret service. since: 0.19.0 |
password_lookup_binary_sync |
Lookup a password in the secret service. since: 0.19.0 |
password_lookup_finish |
Finish an asynchronous operation to lookup a password in the secret service. |
password_lookup_nonpageable_finish |
Finish an asynchronous operation to lookup a password in the secret service. |
password_lookup_nonpageable_sync |
Lookup a password in the secret service. |
password_lookup_sync |
Lookup a password in the secret service. |
password_lookupv |
Lookup a password in the secret service. |
password_lookupv_binary_sync |
Lookup a password in the secret service. since: 0.19.0 |
password_lookupv_nonpageable_sync |
Lookup a password in the secret service. |
password_lookupv_sync |
Lookup a password in the secret service. |
password_search |
Search for items in the secret service. since: 0.19.0 |
password_search_finish |
Finish an asynchronous operation to search for items in the secret service. since: 0.19.0 |
password_search_sync |
Search for items in the secret service. since: 0.19.0 |
password_searchv |
Search for items in the secret service. since: 0.19.0 |
password_searchv_sync |
Search for items in the secret service. since: 0.19.0 |
password_store |
Store a password in the secret service. |
password_store_binary |
Store a password in the secret service. since: 0.19.0 |
password_store_binary_sync |
Store a password in the secret service. since: 0.19.0 |
password_store_finish |
Finish asynchronous operation to store a password in the secret service. |
password_store_sync |
Store a password in the secret service. |
password_storev |
Store a password in the secret service. |
password_storev_binary |
Store a password in the secret service. since: 0.19.0 |
password_storev_binary_sync |
Store a password in the secret service. since: 0.19.0 |
password_storev_sync |
Store a password in the secret service. |
password_wipe |
Clear the memory used by a password. |
Function Macros
Returns |
Extension point for the secret backend. |
An alias to the default collection. |
An alias to the session collection, which will be cleared when the user ends the session. |
The major version of libsecret. |
The micro version of libsecret. |
The minor version of libsecret. |